Jan 25
2025 National EMS Weekend of Honor
The 2025 National EMS Weekend of Honor. It is scheduled July18-20 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799Richmond Highway in Arlington, Va.
Details on the 2025 Weekend of Honor are being developed. Pleasecheck the NEMSMS website for a full listing of events, hotel block informationand other pertinent details.
The room reservation link is:
The 2025 National EMS Weekend of Honor. It is scheduled for July 18-20 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799 Richmond Highway in Arlington, Va.
Details on the 2025 Weekend of Honor are being developed. Please check the NEMSMS website for a full listing of events, hotel block information and other pertinent details.
The room reservation link is:
Today President Higgins and Vice President Sheets attended a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Governor’s Advisory Board. During the meeting a position statement was presented on behalf of the VAA regarding the position of the Virginia Office of EMS within our state government. The discussion during the meeting was excellent and we are excited to be participating in the planning of Virginia’s EMS system in the future! We thank Chairman Dillard for allowing input from various agencies and groups. A copy of the position statement is available here:
Jan 25
The VAVRS will be conducting training at the State Office (2535 Turkey Creek Road, Oilville, VA 23129) on January 19, 2025. The following classes have been confirmed and are listed on the website for pre-registration:
Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS) 0900-1330
Infectious Disease Control (IDC) Basic 0930-1130
Disignated Infection Control Officer (DICO) 1230-1530
Please spread the word about this training. There are no VAVRS membership requirements or registration fees for any of these classes. We are holding this training to give people additional opportunities to pick up much needed agency training, as well as CE hours. You MUST PRE-REGISTER online (vavrs.com > Training > Registration > Scroll to class and select Details and Registration > you will be prompted to complete the registration). Please contact the State Office with any questions. Additional CE classes for that weekend are being coordinated for so please continue to check the website. Classes will be posted for registration as they are confirmed. Thanks.
Click the link below: Then go to “Training” “Registration” You do NOT have to be a member to sign up. FREE TRAINING for ALL
VAVRS – Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads – Powered by AMO
TIMS – Traffic Incident Management
TIMS – Traffic Incident Management
NO Regstration Fee for Anyone NON-Members may have to call VAVRS Office
A new coordinated, multi-disciplinary training program developed through the Second Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP 2) available for all emergency responders and those supporting Traffic Incident Management operations. This training puts police, firefighters, state and local departments of transportation, towing, medical personnel, and other incident responders on the same page, leading to a safer, faster, integrated responder team.
EMS – Infection Disease Control Basic
OSHA has determined that EMS providers face a significant health risk as the result of occupational exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials. Exposure can be minimized or eliminated using a combination of engineering and work practice controls, personal protective clothing and equipment. This program covers OSHA guidelines which health care providers must follow to assure a safer work environment. The class covers the basic aspects of infectious disease control from bloodborne to airborne.
This course is a prerequisite for the Designated Infection Control Officer course
EMS – Designated Infection Control Officer
The Virginia Office of EMS regulations require that each licensed EMS agency identify an Infection Control Officer. That person must be formally trained for the position and be knowledgeable in the proper post exposure medical procedures and current regulations and laws governing disease transmission. This training program provides that training and includes a review of the major duties of an agency’s DICO to include the Ryan White CARE Act, OSHA regulations pertaining to EMS and guidelines for compliance. This program has been approved by the VAOEMS as meeting the standard for DICO training.
Saturday, 11/2
0800-1630 High Performance Ventilation Workshop -Limited to 24 students
Category 1 8.0 hours BLS 11 ALS 16
Presenters: Bob Page, M.Ed, NRP, CCP, NCEE, CHSE, CHSOS and Dusty Lynn, RN, MSc., EMT-P, TCRN
Research shows that often, EMS providers have trouble ventilating patients. In this eye-opening, hands-on workshop, Bob shows participants how to ventilate patients by BVM, via Mask, ET tube, and supraglottic airways using state of the art simulators and feedback devices that measure pressures, volumes, and ventilatory rates. You will gain valuable insight and skills to improve your ventilation ability using this valuable feedback and coaching system. This lab features the tools and techniques to introduce you to the concept of high performance ventilation (HPV). The class is an arena format with plenty of time for hands on practice, not an airway class, but a ventilation class using state of the art ventilation equipment and advanced ventilation feedback devices.
*1200-1300 Lunch on your own
Sunday, 11/3
0800-1630 Pediatric Emergency Assessment Course -Limited to 24 students
Category 1 8.0 hours
Presenters: Dusty Lynn, RN, MSc., EMT-P, TCRN and Bob Page, M.Ed, NRP, CCP, NCEE, CHSE, CHSOS
PALS, PEPP, PITLS, APLS, PCC, NRP, PEARS, all names in the Pediatric Course library. Each one of them has their merits. What if you could take a class that highlighted the best of all courses along with some assessment techniques not see in any of them? Interested? Come join Bob Page as he teams up with Experienced and Dynamic Pediatric Educator Dusty-Lynn Page from the University of Virginia as they present an exciting course of hands on and interactive case studies designed to help you hone your pediatric assessment skills. Plan on spending an amazing day with two passionate educators as they explore pediatric assessment pearls and give you the feedback you need for success.
*1200-1300 Lunch on your own
Saturday, 11/9
0800 – 1000 Neurology Category 1 – Medical 14/19 2 hours
Presenter: Imran Salek, City of Fairfax Fire Dept.
Focus on altered mental status patients and various causes. We will discuss stroke types and the signs and symptoms associated.
1000 – 1100 Sepsis Category 1 – Medical 14/19 2 hours
Presenter: Imran Salek, City of Fairfax Fire Dept.
Recognition and possible treatment plans for sepsis patients
1100 – 1200 Muslim Culture and EMS – Category 1 – Operations 15/20 1 hour
Presenter: Inman Sherif Shehata, Chaplain Stafford County Fire and Rescue
What can you touch in the Muslim home? Does the culture change my assessment and/or treatment plan? Come out to learn the best management tools for patients from other cultures.
1200 – 1300 Lunch Provided (Count needed)
1300 – 1400 Airway Management Category 1 – Airway, Resp, Vent 11/16 1 hour
Presenter: Imran Salek, City of Fairfax Fire Dept.
Partial lecture with hands on practice. The lecture will speak about some dyspnea disease processes and difficult airway scenarios. We will go over different airway adjuncts. Hands on will involve BVM techniques, intubation, video laryngoscope, SALAD technique
1400 – 1500 Trauma Category 1 – Trauma 13/18 1 hour
Presenter: Imran Salek, City of Fairfax Fire Dept.
Discussion on basic trauma PEARLS
1500-1600 Pain Management Category 1 – Medical 14/19 1 hour
Presenter: Imran Salek, City of Fairfax Fire Dept.
Discussion on effective pain management
Sunday, Nov 10
0800-0900 WHOLE BLOOD-21st Century Management of Hemorrhagic Shock Category 1 – Medical 14/19 1 hour
Presenter: David Long, Executive Director, Tidewater EMS Council
0900-1030 TXA and Calcium in trauma Category 1 – Trauma 13/18 1.5 hours
Presenter: David Long, Executive Director, Tidewater EMS Council
1030-1130 Resuscitation Before Intubation: Avoid Post-Intubation Hypotension Category 1 – Airway, Resp, Vent. 11/16 1 hour
Presenter: David Long, Executive Director, Tidewater EMS Council
1130-1230 CPR for Firefighters Category 1 – Operations 15/20 1 hour
Presented by Chris Jett, Stafford County Fire and Rescue
Many have requested Chris provide this information so that we know how to take care of firefighters on the incident scene
*1230 – 1330 Lunch on your own
1330-1530 Rapid Trauma Assessment and Management Category 1 – Trauma 13/18 2 hours
Presenter: Benjamin Hankin, City of Fairfax Fire Department
Focus on a more rapid trauma assessment in a dynamic environment
1530-1630 Advanced Airway Category 1 – Airway, Resp, Vent 11/16 1 hour
Presenter: Benjamin Hankin, City of Fairfax Fire Department
Focus on video assisted intubation and surgical airways
Dear VFCA Members, Due to the devastating aftermath from Hurricane Helene, Unicoi County Hospital in Tennessee lost all of its ambulances. In addition, the county lost its pumpers. Bill Killen is mounting a program to secure donated apparatus and equipment to assist the ongoing efforts of fire and rescue teams on the ground. They need 3 ambulances and 1-2 pumpers ASAP, if anyone within your department or contacts is able to donate or assist, please contact Bill Killen directly. Bill Killen Cell Number *best number to reach him*: (423) 765 – 8789 (*Cell) (423) 357-3076 (Home) Thank you for your consideration and continued support of all those impacted by Helene. Sincerely, Virginia Fire Chiefs Association |
Sep 24
With the new FDA Drug Supply Chain and Security Act (DSCSA) deadline approaching, November 2024 below is some information that was sent out from the State EMS Medical Director referencing DEA registration for OMD’s.
The Virginia Ambulance Association represents the interests of private ambulance services across the commonwealth. EMS is the backbone of healthcare access and deserves a seat at any table where healthcare policy and legislation will be the focus. We must educate our legislators about our role and how we fit into the rapidly changing healthcare environment. They must understand the challenges we face on a daily basis in providing our services before we will be able to convince them to take action on our behalf. Likewise, it is important to educate the public about our role in their healthcare access and the emergency response system.
Please visit this website often to learn more about our efforts.